
Acrylic, Oil, Tar, Brayer, Digital
- Utilizing materials in unconventional ways in order to achieve desired results.
- Instead of a paintbrush, I used a brayer to apply pigment. With its broad, flat surface, I could block in more area at once. This forced me to slow down, look at my marks as they were developing, and think in terms of planar structure in order to carve out the figure.
- Since I was using tar as my pigment, I could easily wipe it away and start again if needed. The removal process also created a series of tonal values, especially highlights, where the white of the surface was revealed once again.
- To layer different kinds of texture (hard, soft) together in the same piece and make it feel cohesive.
- Once I had my “drawing” of texture shapes, I let the piece dry and then scanned it. I then brought the piece further along by creating “collage” elements out of select textures digitally.