
“Joni Mitchell”
Ink, Acrylic, Brayer
- This was another experiment in trying to capture the likeness of someone recognizable using unfamiliar tools and analyzing the marks through a new lens.
- I deliberately chose a subject with facial characteristics that lend themselves to be exaggerated. I also worked larger this time on 11″x14″ paper.
- I am happy with the final piece. I think there is good economy of shape, value, texture (flat and rough), and movement/gesture. I feel that every mark has a purpose and exists within the same world.
- This was a demo for class purposes and took no more than 15 minutes. I feel that my work is stronger at times when I have to place a limit on the amount of time I have to work on it, especially when it’s a new concept. I also find that taking breaks of time between retrying something helps me to find visual answers to my questions in the world around me while I sketch with my eyes. This helps prepare my hands when it comes time to put marks to paper.